Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Understanding the environment we are in. Acknowledging the United States is in a Recession of sorts. Knowing the possibilities for jobs to appear sometime in the future, I state this is a scam, a fraud. A useless piece of technological b.s. fed to unsuspecting individuals, whom are wanting the American dream. The possibility to afford to pay for their loved ones to go to school; to buy new cars; to finally afford to pay the bills for once. We as students have been scammed into believing that this would be possible. Now we are stuck with 25000.00 bills that increase 13-17 percent every year for the next 15 years. By the time we are to pay it off Sallie Mae will have made 5 times more than that was loaned out. Do not, believe the hype Raleigh, NC, do not believe the man on the radio. Behind that curtain is the Devil himself.


  1. Yet another whiner who probably sat around waiting for someone else to do all the work for him. I graduated from and got ALL of my certifications. More than half my class got jobs in the computer industry before we even graduated! I have never imagined there was a school that works so hard to help students change their lives as They are awesome! Their cost is now half what it used to be. I would recommend them to any one who wants to get into the IT industry.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. And you, new2it, are another noob (as your username suggests) that are just starting out in IT, so you were happy for the baby-fied certs that you got and the "computer industry" job you have is $11/hr at a call center having nothing whatsoever to do with IT - you may USE a computer at your new job, but you arent working in IT.

      Like The Ack says below, getting certs that actually matter (not how to turn on a PC, or build one slot a into slot b) but I mean REAL certs, you definitely need hands on instruction and labs.

      If you think you are hot s---, I dare you to try and take an MCP, MCSC/E, or CCNA/E exam - you wont even come close.

      You watched Jerry Springer or Steve Wiklkos, saw this ad, and really thought you were going to make $50k a year your first job with NO experience? Really? Only scientists make that, but they are going to school for several years and getting their experience in labs and internships.

    3. I have a associates of applied science in computer science received my degree 5 years ago and now make $90,000.

    4. Thanks for sharing, but not sure why you did lol. Not relevant to this thread and MCC does not offer that.

      Its sad that some schools prey on the weak; offering 20 certs and degrees and saying one can make $50k upon graduation...and the course is only 3 - 6 months.

      In reality it can take a couple years to get an Assoc, the required certs. Not to mention, no one is going to pay 50k or more with zero experience.

    5. When I wanted to get my M.C.S.E. they sat me down at a computer system that had no mouse. It dixnt bother me, as I have neen doing computers all my life. I asked the lady giving me the test what most people do when she sits them down for testing, I was told... they get up a d walk out. Im pretty blessed to have had hands on networking experience BEFORE sitting for the M.C.S.E. test, and trust me when I tell you it is NOT easy, at all. It took everything I had mentally just to wrap my head around subnetting and Active Directory. I suggest college first, then hands on, because, even that they taught me stuff I did not know, like fiber optics etc., once I saw what it amounted to, I was sure it wasnt what I was after in the lonh run. Now Im after learninv web desihn and Internet marketing. S.E.O. is very high on my list of must have knowledge. Who wants to run a network all day? Who wants to design networks they arent going to manage and work on every day? Not me! Look around. You can find alot of training for FREE online. Braindumps and sample tests etc. Make absolutely sure of what you want before you spend any of your time and money to learn something. Good luck.

  2. Don't listen to this garbage. MyCCT blows donkey balls. Instructor is a joke, his little bitch boy is a joke, career services is a comedic routine. Don't sign the paperwork, you can find better test engines on line and studying to get the same certifications without spending close to $30,000.

  3. Good luck to passing MS and Cisco certification exams without the help of hands-on labs and a good instructor! More to the point, these complaints could be levied about any school in any discipline, anywhere. Education is a means to an end. If you're committed, work hard, and use the resources provided to you at, no only will you succeed, but you cannot fail. Dozens of former students now working in I.T. will attest to that. MyCC offers a LIFETIME Career Services Support GUARANTEE. So there's no excuse for any MyCC student NOT to be employed in the field--IF that student or graduate is doing his/her part.

    1. ITT TECH had the same claim and turned out to be a fraud and was shut down for predatory lending.

  4. MyCC is a scam, you can not do all that in less then 6 months. There is alot of info that is left out that you will need to know. So, in the end you are set up to fail and loose your job.

    So what are you stuck with. 8 Certs that you realy dont know and $30,000 in dedt? I think so.

    Let's to the math here.

    You are signing a high intrest rate loan with sille mea for 6 years.

    30000 \ 6 = 5000 a month loan payment without intrest.

    Here is where they get ya.

    They tell you only apply for 15,000 (half the cost) for there ProBasic.

    Thats 2,000 a month for 6 years. This does a few things for MyCC.

    1) You get a loan alot faster with a co-signer
    2) They get the money.
    3) The first 4 certs are easy certs and more book work then anything.
    4) Your already in dedt so there is no way you are going to get the other 15,000 for the 2nd half.
    5) You can get a good job with the 4 certs you do have by now and if you do, all your money is going to the loan payment.

    In the end. You can get a nice $10 hour job and have more free money then you would going to MyCC and getting on of there temp IT jobs that your going to get fired from beacuase you realy dont understand computers and MyCC just gave you all the awnsers.

    My thoughts.

    1. Most people spend four to six years obtaining a Bachelor's degree and getting up to $100,000 in student loans and getting about $35000 to $45000 with their first job. I think with My Computer Career ora similar place your debt is less with the ability to generate income on less than a year.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Comparing a BA degree to MYCC? That's apples and oranges.

      Dont forget, with MYCC. you just get certified - no degree. So it may be cheaper, but lots of good companies require a college degree of some sort. Those that only require high school will definitely pay less.

      Of course MYCC is cheaper...because all you get is a cert. You arent getting a degree at all.

      Im not saying one needs a degree, but one really needs to figure out what they want and if their career path requires a college degree or not.

    4. @archonis Your math is terrible buddy. 30000 loan for 6 years is not 5000 a month. it would only be 417 a month

      30000/6 = 5000 per YEAR
      5000/12 = 417 per MONTH
      Of course this does not include any interest, whatever that would be on this loan I do not know. even if it was very high you still could not achieve 5000 a month.

    5. I'm pretty sure he meant $500 and not $5000 per month that would be with estimated interest.

  5. Wow archonis - your comment would have a lot more strength to it if you learned how to spell, or add. Possibly this is why you didn't succeed in big business.

    30,000/6 (years) = $417/month without interest ($5000 being what you pay per year). In reality you'd be paying about $625 a month to pay it off in 6 years at 13% which equals to about $5/hour.

    So if they can get you a job paying $5 more per hour than you're making now you've broken even.

    1. I think you're right I'm a former itt tech student and the one thing that was needed along with the degree was the certs so if you have some basic knowledge of let's say NSA coupled with these certs somebody is going to hire you The ceh cert for example there are certain require ments that the average person has to have 2 years working it field with verifiable proof or a qualified academic institution like mycc that offers it .So what are you gonna do boot camp training for just this one cert is4000 Dollars Listen it's up to the individual to make the most of what they have In life nothing is promised you have to hustle what I see is mycc gives you a start YOU HAVE TO FINISH..... MRT

  6. ACK, I'm surprised at you! You are representing somthing that you really need to verify as fact!

    I believe that the PROPER QUALIFIED person WITH EXPERIENCE, can go through a program like this and succeed. I've watched them do it.

    What you not telling is that out the 20+ persons who start a class, only 3-4 will usually get a job! I've lived it through with many of MYCC classes - I've helped to teach. I worked with MYCC, I know you Owners "Tony and Richard Galati", "Bill Salada" "Bruce the AcX Man". God will hold you accountable-dreams you kill.

    Like many companies you oversell, overcharge, and under deliver. Focused on sales and not on delivery. With few scruples you will sell to anyone qualified or not! They are into defending and justification not reality or really helping and serving the student. They make 1.5 mill per year per training center and get commissions of apx $1000 per student per owner.

    Although I know that some of the staff do their best to do what they can. Selling themselves into believing it. Overall working a lie. The marketing misrepresents the market and the job opportunities available. The job requirements are so difficult to qualify. The jobs go to those who have some type of experience.

    I have seen Kevin help a student take the pre-exam and then have the student get a invalid Grandmother pay for the student loan that the student had no ability to succeed with because of IQ.
    -I've seen them miss-represent what they deliver again and again.
    -They lie about the job opportunities.
    -They lie to your face about the Cost Comparison or twist it so that they hold themselves up against the most expense colleges and universities - or programs.
    -They will tell you that their instructors can deliver so much more than possible with ratios of so many students to 1.
    -They then use "VERY close to exam" practice tests to assist in getting certified!(Cheats)
    -The "Hands-On" is Crap. You have NO TIME to get real. The further you get into the courses, the less time they give you for hands-on and the more all you do is memorize test questions..

    I warn you that you will feel so overwhelmed, EXTORDED, and in the end, it will still be up to you to find the job, competing against those who have some experience for low pay work.

    Unless you already have some IT background or IT aptitude this program is NOT for you. It comes at you way to fast.

    You have to be prepared to do nothing but study for months and then Gamble the $$$$ against a promise that you MAY get a job in this economy.

    Sooner or later, they will have blood on their hands. I've seen students go Postal!!!
    Hundreds of persons who would love to sue but MYCC has excelled in building a legal defense with cameras, policy you sign into contracts, and instructors that report about attendance, performance about keeping up your studies, participation and so-on. If you are off course of their next to impossible plan, then you have no legal recourse. Watch your back!

    Do yourself a favor and go to the local community college for a IT degree, or use "competency based learning"(Google that) and check out this college for THOUSANDS less-For a better career & a better life with less dept without

    I recommend that you go get a Microsoft Press IT book - read it to get the basis and then go online to get practice tests - study them until you pass at 90% and then pay for and go take the exams. Cost - Less than a $1000.00 for everything. That is exactly how Tony and every other IT guru really succeeded. Regardless YOU STILL have to do all of the hard learning.

    Please, If you have to work with a group, use the community college (they are so much less expensive) and not such a $$$ and a stretch against what is LIFE !!!

    Sincerely, your friend! You have now been warned by someone creditable!
    Former Employee

    1. "Don't make decisions about your future success based on the jaded opinions of losers."

      Over 3 years have passed and I stand by my original comments. Furthermore, history has proven our former employee dead wrong--again! On the strength of our success at helping students get certified and employed, now hundreds, not merely dozens of happy graduates on 5 campuses in four states are working in IT enjoying great careers!

      MyComputerCareer is now a nationally accredited institution that participates in federal and state financial aid programs through Title IV, PELL, the GI Bill and others by delivering results that far surpass most public institutions of higher learning.

      MyComputerCareer may indeed not be for you; nor you a fit for us. But evaluate it on its own merits. Then make the decision based on your first-hand knowledge and your personal goals--rather than on the sour grapes of one or two that failed. Find success stories at This is but a fraction of the testimonials we have.

    2. Thank very much for the input , I'd follow your instructions , good advice

    3. You are correct, Bruce. And there are pluses and minuses at every institution.

      What I want to stress is the advertisement that maybe you don't endorse, but I have heard MYCC ads that say someone can make $50/$60k their first day? Hogwash, no one is going to pay that much with zero experience.

      Not to mention, folks can get a 2 year degree and the same certs for MUCH less $ than MYCC.

      So whereas I am not saying MYCC is worthless, its just that they fudge a little bit on facts to get students, which just isn't right.

    4. It has most certainly been stated as such in MYCC ads. I have heard and seen them with my own eyes. Maybe they aren't endorsed by you, but someone is using the MYCC name.
      And perhaps a second job, but in no way shape or form has someone gotten $60k right out the gate with zero experience. The only way a MYCC grad would get that is if they already had a solid resume.

    5. Son went their 2 years ago. Borrowed the 25k. It is considered a private load. Not tax deductible like a school loan. Paying the 400 a month and he is still looking for work. Just because you get pushed through a certification exam doesn't mean anyone is going to hire you because you still will have no degree and no experience. Best to do your homework before you sell the next 4 years of 400 a month for this school. BTW, you can study and take the exams on your own. Going to this or any school is not a prerequisite.

    6. Son went their 2 years ago. Borrowed the 25k. It is considered a private load. Not tax deductible like a school loan. Paying the 400 a month and he is still looking for work. Just because you get pushed through a certification exam doesn't mean anyone is going to hire you because you still will have no degree and no experience. Best to do your homework before you sell the next 4 years of 400 a month for this school. BTW, you can study and take the exams on your own. Going to this or any school is not a prerequisite.

    7. Definitely, Bob. You said it exactly right. No one is going to hire someone with a cert and zero experience and pay them $55k. Got to start somewhere.

    8. I just wanted to say that I have no certification whatsoever and I easily make 50k at my job as a Tier 1 Technical Analyst with a lot of overtime to be honest but I make it so i can see it happening for someone on there first tech job not likely but possible and I came into my job with much experience but no certs..

    9. Exactly, Unknown. You came in with "much experience" but no certs, so thats why you did so well. A lot of the folks can barely find the power button on a server, let alone troubleshoot it, and they expect to make bank without ANY experience OR certs, and thats not gonna happen.

    10. Alternatives, folks? So, just experienced the MyCC sales pitch at the local Dallas ofc, but haven't signed anything but a school record release. What exactly would all (any) of you suggest as a boiler-plate course of action? I read a lot of generalities here on how to go about getting [knowledge x experience x certs x time x pay]. I have a B.S. (unrelated) from a long time ago, so looking for practical seque into IT career path, say network admin. I'm not looking for another worthless degree, either. I appreciate any specifics. There's gotta be a logical roadmap,
      flowchart, something -no? Links welcome, too.

    11. Mike C I would keep looking around, focusing on IT schools for certs - NOT degrees. Dont let them sell you another 2 yr or 4 yr degree.

      What I did was go to ACTT (Advanced Computer Technology Training) which ironically, Ive also heard was a scam, but I got in early before they folded.

      Basically, I cant stress enough a class with a lab. Classroom is nice, but you need hands on training.

      I learned so much - out instructor made half of us network admins, the other half users. He sent the admins out side while he went around and sabatoged the comiuters (unplugged a NIC, deleted a printer, changed an IPA)

      Admins then came in and using what we were taught, had to troubleshoot the issue and resolve it...which is EXACTLY what you will do in the network job you want.

      Cisco certs instructors do this as well, its part of your hands on test.

      So whatever route you go, make sure they have lab and actual hands on work. Step 2 - read reviews, see what folks say. Go on IT forums and ask those folks - they may have a school you havent heard of.

      Step 3 - figure out the cost and what loans you can get (try your bank - loans from schools are brutal)

      HTH somewhat.

  7. Thank you for you comments. EYE "interview" was tonight...think I will tell them I have reconsidered.

    1. I wouldn't even waste my time to go , simply send then an email

  8. Not a single person has mentioned that is very similar to Same pitch, same radio commercials, & same lame guarantee. Where are they now? Nowhere that's where! They closed the doors on their students on Christmas Eve 2009. The only notice I got was that we were closed for Christmas break and see you on after break. Several days later I received an email saying that they were closing there doors. I went to the school and it was completely empty just like in a movie. Anyone attending that school lost everything they worked hard for, including me. Now I'm out $26,000 with nothing to show for it except a huge Sallie Mae bill. Mycomputercareer is no different. They offer the same B.S. that offered. Anyone reading please reconsider going here. I fell for it so please learn from my mistake. You want to say that some of these people are complaining and want everything handed to them? Maybe they do but I'm not one of them. I got screwed and all I was trying to do was provide for my family. Go to this link to read the lawsuit that's still pending.
    Lastly had the same success stories that I have no doubt are crap. I would never waste my time or money again.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. They aren't crap and I'm sorry that where you were trying to get an education failed. I am going through the program right now at MyCC and I love it. The community is from people all over and near Indy. I thought it was too good to be true. The people who were there before obviously did not know how to run such a place. Also, I will not have to pay that much money to be placed with 11 certs on my way out of graduation and a laptop and tablet. I know I will get a job right after or even before I graduate because our career services admins are pretty frickin spectacular. I can't wait for the next class. I will be getting my first cert soon. and then a second. That's how good they are. They even do workshops for how to get a job, how to start your resume and revisions on your resume, what not to do during an interview, and I've come to really enjoy my college and I don't want it to be ruined by bad talk. and I know you will never waste your time or money again, but this time it isn't b.s. I am living proof.

    3. I was also a victim of and the doors closed right after I graduated and I lost all of my test vouchers when the student website vanished. So I ended up with a windows vista cert. & lost my other five test vouchers, practice tests, lifetime career services and have a $26,000 debt to Sallie mae. I'm entered into a class action law suit against them but am certain I will never see anything from that just like I'm certain that all they did was change their name to and are right back to scamming people. Have fun with your $11/hr telemarketing job if you want a real computer networking job go to a real college and steer clear of this scandalous bs!!!!

  9. I am still considering MCC. I went to the orientation tuesday night and I was really impressed. I was approved for the loan and I can start Dec 21st. My husband wants to talk to the admissions people too so we are going Saturday. I have high hopes. I know it will be hard work and I am ok with that. If I can make just $5 more an hour after I get my first job I will be able to save all of that and already have over $8,000 to put toward the loan in the first year BEFORE the loan even has to be paid!! That is a hell of a head start. The world is changing. Technology is where it is. That is where I need to be.

    1. Just did it all go? Did you enroll? If so, how is it?

  10. Watch this YouTube video. Has a lot of the facts about the school and certs.

  11. I think everything is relative. I went to ACTT and they were fantastic. My instructor was hands on, labs, and I was able to take the exam and got my cert.

    However, if you look them up, you will hear they are closed, a scam, etc. I just happened to go to a good school, whereas other ACTTs perhaps were staffed poorly, or scams, etc. Or its possible that they were a scam all along, but I was able to get my education and out of there before they closed their doors. Who knows.

    My point is, Mycomputercareer may be the same. Some schools are staffed with folks who dont know / dont care, whereas others are excellently staffed and are awesome. Kinda like some Mcdonald's are terrible, whereas others are awesome. So I dont think any of the folks here are lying - some just have better / worse experience than others. I LOVED ACTT, but I was so shocked by what others wrote about them.

    So it kinda sounds like you REALLY need to research, talk to the folks at the school you are thinking of going to and see what the students say. Also, ask to talk to current / past students.

    1. Why a change of heart mr rye? Your truth telling hurt the bottom line? Did they pay you to make nicer comments?

  12. I was debating on whether or not to comment, then I decided you can never have too much TRUTH.

    The fact is there are positives as well as negatives about MYCC (as with any institution). One could argue that the MTA certs aren't worth their weight in copper, or that there is not enough hands-on to be successful. One could also argue that the admission rep, campus president, finaid rep, etc will tell you whatever they need to to get you enrolled in the school.

    As a current student at MYCC, I can tell you that I have seen/experienced some things that have made me think twice (sometimes thrice) about my decision to attend school at this institution. But, when it all comes down to it you need to ask yourself why are you even contemplating going to MYCC.

    If you answered that you are interested in getting certs, getting into the IT field, and making good money then I would say.....MyCC MAY very well be the school for you. I currently have 6 certs and no IT experience. I showed up to class everyday, did my school work, and got my hours. I currently just received a job making well over the $11 - $15 an hour that have been mentioned in previous threads. And it is because of MYCC.

    Now, I am not saying that to convince ANYONE to make the decision to go to this school. I am just saying that if you truly work for it and not expect it to be given to you (like anything worth having in life) then MYCC is a good tool to help you reach your goal.

    As soon as I was eligible for career services, I received non-stop emails about open job positions (not to mention the amount of phone calls I got from actual HR reps). Some of them were $10 or $11 some were not. You do not have to accept any job that comes along if it is not what you are looking for.

    In closing. Yes, it is difficult to follow the rules and expectations that are asked of you at MYCC...but not impossible. If you truly want to make a change and get into IT, you do not need MYCC to do that. But, do not let the other comments sway you because what they experienced did not work. Currently there are 12 people in my class and we graduate in 3 months. As of right now, only 3 students do not have a job in IT. The other 9 have started working in IT since starting at MYCC.

    I hope this helps those people who wanted a real view of the school and what it offers. It definitely can be a tool if you let it, or it can become a debt trap (like any college you enroll into and do not complete) if you let it....the choice is yours.

    1. Thanks for the info. I went there today and was REALLY excited about the opportunity. Bit now after doing more research. It seems like I need to slow down and weigh my options. 30k is a lot! If I can gets certs on line or through a CC. I might go a different route. Thanks again.

    2. Unknown - definitely do research. You can read my post here on my experience with ACTT. I loved it, but some folks got MAJORLY scammed.

      Im sure MYCC is great, but what raises my concern is some of their "facts" they use to entice students.

      You cant get a 2 year degree and certs (not comprehensively anyway) in 3-6 months lol. Also, NO one is going to pay you $50 / $60k a year with ZERO experience. Its more like high 30s or mid 40s.

      Not to mention, some Community Colleges have tech degrees which do the same thing at like half the cost.

      So Im not discouraging MYCC in anyway. I just want you to look at those institutions as well as community colleges and DONT listen to either. Talk to students, which is what you are doing. Because of course folks will lie to get you to go to their school.

      I've been in the industry for over 18 years, so if I can answer any questions, please let me know.

  13. As a current student at the MyCC in Columbus, I can tell you that they sell the program the same way that you would see a used car salesman or military recruiter would BUT that if you really are interested in the IT field, HAVE THE APTITUDE FOR IT and WANT to work in the field, this is a great start and will get you the entry level certs you need to succeed.

    There will be a lot of $10-14/hr jobs thrown at you, but you need those to get the experience that the higher paying jobs are looking for. If you have the idea that they will magically put the knowledge in your head without you working for it, you are in for a very rude, very expensive awakening.

    There's a great opportunity at MyCC, but it isn't for everyone. Think hard, study harder, pick your path and go for it.

  14. As a current student at the MyCC in Columbus, I can tell you that they sell the program the same way that you would see a used car salesman or military recruiter would BUT that if you really are interested in the IT field, HAVE THE APTITUDE FOR IT and WANT to work in the field, this is a great start and will get you the entry level certs you need to succeed.

    There will be a lot of $10-14/hr jobs thrown at you, but you need those to get the experience that the higher paying jobs are looking for. If you have the idea that they will magically put the knowledge in your head without you working for it, you are in for a very rude, very expensive awakening.

    There's a great opportunity at MyCC, but it isn't for everyone. Think hard, study harder, pick your path and go for it.

  15. I'm trying to get in too, I went there and I really liked the program

    I was originally looking for database training
    I need to be trained in tools such as Microsoft access , that's exactly what I told the lady on the phone but unfortunately when I went there they said they only have hardware training

    I was disappointed , but at the Same time I felt it is a good opportunity .

  16. As a current student and soon-to-be graduate, I have to put my input in as well:

    Yes this is an expensive program and chances are it's a fraction of the price if you just study on your own and take the test on your own. It's a business just like anything else. Every business primary purpose is to get money


    Think of what you are paying for: Multiple times to take certs, the structure, the enviroment, the instructors, a lifetime career services department, etc. It's a great structure when you are someone starting out like me

    Nobody starts off at the top. You have to make your way up from that $15 and our job IF you are willing to put in the work. A lot of people who are complaining are probably those who just say around in class probably on YouTube or Facebook and then sit back and wonder why they can't find a job. If you can't pay attention in class, how's any job going to consider you?

    I can into the program with NO experience in computers. 2 1/2 months later I landed a job thanks to MyCC. For all of you complaining about the money or the structure of the program, you should have done your research first. Blame yourself if you didn't know what you were getting into.

  17. kendall Arroyo, is there a way to contact you? I'm thinking about enrolling and have a couple questions. email perhaps?

  18. Absolutely! Contact me anytime!

    1. Does that apply to anyone? I'm thinking of going myself, and would love to pick your brain.

  19. Was thinking about going, went to have the tour yesterday. This was at the Indianapolis location. Everybody was cool the tour lady was excellent. After reading this post I'm curious as to the ones who said stay away what did you go in expecting? I know in any field in the modern day work place needs experience first so expecting to make 50k the first time is ridiculous. I'm considering the change because my body can't keep lifting these 50 lbs boxes everyday. It's another loan hell we all in debt so what's another one. Are the certifications legit yes or no? Will the certifications at least get you in the door yes or no? In this day and age where the rich are doing everything they can to pad they pockets regardless of how contrite they come off as I'm just wanting a chance to better my life for me and my child. Everything is for profit, rule number one of starting a business is to make money. Send all emails to Trabuer1014@gmailcom

    1. Rodd,

      Thanks for replying. Its really like any career change. Those commercials who tell you to “tell your boss to F off and Make $50k a year your first week on the job” with techno music playing in the background is BS. NO ONE makes that money with no experience, except maybe doctors or lawyers lol.

      It does get better. But like anything, you are going to have to start at the bottom. So yeah, you are gonna get entry level pay to start out. Just kinda the way it is. So please note, Im not necessarily bashing nor promoting computer schools. I think that’s noble. What ticks me off however, is that their claim that you will be rolling in the dough fresh out of graduation. Really?

      You mentioned your career now. Did you start making that money your first day? No, you had to do it for several years right? Well, same thing with any career.

      I know you aren’t one, but another thing I hate is my old company got thug after thug after scum bag thug who would come in with their “degree” but no experience, and get LIVID that they weren’t making $50k a year. So they would sit there and youtube all day, moaning that “they were lied to” (as if that was the company’s fault).

      THAT’S why I criticize schools like these, because their lying advertising. Bruce Ackerman claims they don’t say that. He is either lying or he has not done his research as I have heard these commercials myself. He should check into his marketing dept. Maybe they aren’t doing it in every market, but where I live, I hear that BS all the time.

      I do wish you luck and if I can answer any more questions, please reach out.

  20. Fuck all yall lol go to bum school its free lol nah just playing. Kaplan is where ita at 130k a year get at me.

  21. Graduated from there March 28th 2016. Got all the certs that the school offered. Have only got job offeres making $12 to $14. Had to get a non IT job to pay the bills. So I eneded up with a lot of cets and some student loans and no job IT related.

  22. For those who already tried to get into IT and are struggling, I'm offer help to one of you in the IT field, my main background is software developer and I know a little of everything else. I'm doing this because I would like to give it back something to this great country. I will only provide guidance you have to do all the work.

  23. I went to My Computer Career and graduated with my Certifications. While I was in school they helped me get an IT job and now i make around 25 and hour doing IT and computer repair. and have gotten all my student loans paid off with in a year of starting and graduating. If you didn't have a good experience at MYCC then its because you do not belong in this field and you did not put in the work for it. Like all great people have said You have to spend money to make money and you also have to put in the work. I worked over 80 Hours a week and still made a perfect 4.0 grade and had 91% attendance, and now I am working at a great place for great pay.

  24. Mycc is a tool that one can use to further themselves YOU HAVE TO DO IT ! No one else

  25. MY COMPUTER CAREER IS A HUGE SCAM. they promise a higher paying job with the training you receive there. This is total hogwash. I got all 10 certifications they offered and earned their WCITP twice. All I can find is help desk jobs paying $10.00 to $13.00 per hour. They promised you could make big money. What a lie. If your considering going there, don't. You can find the training much cheaper somewhere else. Currently I can make more money working at Costco. SCAM, SCAM, SCAM.

  26. Ill weigh in on this. I saw this post when I first started at mycc back in 2013, and boy did I start sweating bullets. Unfortunately, all paper work was signed and i was in it for the long haul.

    2017 just started and I want to say that I am still in IT working at Cisco, making around 70k a year and all of this would not be possible without going there. In fact everything I learned from mycc is useless now that I am working with Linux and Openstack.

    Out of the 25ish people out of the Raleigh campus I only saw 4-5 really trying to learn, while the rest would sit in there seat and just copy/paste commands, never ask questions, or just coast and cheat on a cert.

    I know of 2 people from the 4-5 that are here at Cisco and the other doing well in there respective jobs.

    Ill say a good % of these folks calling it a scam, didn't really put the effort into it or put the effort into learning something after they went to school.

    The last thing I will say is that you get what you put into it and if you don't put much in you wont get much out.

    1. Any advice or input you could share from your experience? I'm considering the program but unsure after seeing some of the comments. Email me at thanks

  27. If you're saying MyCC is a scam, you have scammed yourself. You get out what you put in. I am about 1/2 way through the course and love everything about it. I have earned every cert so far and see no reason why I wont get the rest of them.

    If you apply yourself, you will excel. Its is a lot of work. I work 45-55 hours a week and am on campus 20 hours a week, have a wife and 2 kids, but I do it all because I know its what I have to do to better myself and provide for my family. There are others in my class who show up late every night, and go home early every night. They do not apply themselves and don't work for it, but will be the first ones to b!tch and moan when they don't get the job they want and call this school a scam. Half ass performance generates half ass results.

    If you're calling this school a scam, take a hard look at yourself. Did this school let you down or did you let yourself down?

  28. Is MCC a reincarnation of that went bankrupt and ripped off students saying that they could get the MCSA in 6 months? Sounds so

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. i'm less impressed with student testimonials about programs like this than i am with actual technology companies who are hiring students from these programs. do CISCO, APPLE, IBM, Microsoft, SAS, give testimonials about hiring students from MCC? what about major employers like large health care systems/hospitals and universities that have IT and technology departments? when i start seeing representatives from these types of companies singing the praises of the graduates of MCC and how they are perfect fits for their IT and technology departments, i will feel differently about this type of program. until then, it looks suspect, just like other shortcut degree programs.

  31. You can go to RANKSHEET.COM get certifications
    free and get a job like that THROUGH that site.

  32. You could always join the military and learn a good skill there, assuming 1- you're young enough, and 2- you're fit mentally and physically.
    I did just that when I was 18 back in the 70's, I only had a HS diploma. We got really good hands on electronic training, they didn't have computers then.
    This is a difficult route, make no mistake. However, if you DO manage to get through it all, they pay YOU, you don't pay them (although you will in blood, sweat and tears).
    I came out debt free, with good skills in RF and got a job with a gov contractor.
    Today I'm in IT and do alright, but it started back there. No $30-100K loan, just a little piece of my soul which grew back later!
    Government Contractors are waiting for newly separated, Honorably discharged vets. But do know, nothing in any branch of Service will be handed to you, you will earn everything. Was a good trade for me, stuck in a little town with zero future. I wanted out and got out and got into something good. ***I am not a recruiter, just someone who's been there.***

    1. Amen!!! I retired at 21 years of active duty Air Force. I wouldn't trade that for the world!!!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I agree. This guy is lazy and whiner. He wants things done for him. I can tell from how he wrote this blog. He didn't do what MyCC staff has told him to do. The mentors, teachers, and pathways counselors said, you have to start from the bottom and work your way up.. He's not using the 369 plan. Get a job, build experience, and at three months in the job start looking for another job. Then do the same at 6 months, and finally when you get to your third job at 9 months. By then you will have the job you're looking for. This guy has no sense.
